Revitalising Your Business: Strategic Alliance with FirstMark Capital

In the realm of business, encountering financial challenges is not uncommon. To assist companies in distress, SAAC has strategically allied with FirstMark Capital, bringing together our collective acumen in finance and management to extend crucial assistance.

Our suite of financial solutions is comprehensive and versatile, designed to address distinct circumstances and requirements. Our focus is mainly on Post-Commencement Financing, taking the form of Equity and Asset-Based Financing, as well as Bridging Finance and Invoice Factoring:

  1. Equity Financing: We infuse capital in exchange for equity in your company. This method provides the necessary operating capital without exacerbating existing debt. It's an optimal choice if you're seeking a long-term partner to navigate your recovery phase.

  2. Asset-Based Financing: This approach involves extending loans with your company's assets serving as collateral. These can be tangible assets such as buildings and machinery, or intangible ones like trademarks and patents. This model provides immediate access to funds while maintaining your autonomy over the business.

  3. Bridging Finance: This short-term loan option is designed to provide immediate cash flow to meet your pressing financial needs. It's typically used while waiting for longer-term financing solutions to take effect or pending the conclusion of a business deal.

  4. Invoice Factoring: This financing option involves selling your outstanding invoices to us at a discounted rate. This mechanism allows you to access funds tied up in unpaid invoices, enhancing your cash flow.

Benefits of our Post-Commencement Financing:

  1. Cash Flow Management: The financing packages can resolve immediate liquidity issues, stave off liquidation, and provide the respite to implement enduring solutions.

  2. Debt Restructuring: Our partnership can assist in renegotiating terms with creditors, thereby lightening your financial burden.

  3. Operational Improvements: The funds received can be employed to enhance operational efficiency, bolstering your competitive edge and ensuring long-term profitability.

  4. Preservation of Business Value: By eschewing liquidation, you preserve the inherent value of your business, including its workforce, customer rapport, and supply chains.

  5. Boosted Investor Confidence: A financial rescue operation can rejuvenate investor trust, fostering future investment opportunities.

Our strategic alliance with FirstMark Capital is aimed at empowering your business to weather financial storms. For further details on how our financial products can aid your enterprise, please contact us.

Together, let's transform adversities into opportunities for growth.