#10 Business Rescue Over Liquidation: Analysing the Preferential Approach

Van Niekerk v Seriso 321 CC and Another (952/11, 23929/11) [2012] ZAWCHC 63 (20 March 2012)

1.             Introduction


In the matter adjudicated by the Western Cape High Court in Cape Town, South Africa, presided over by Gangen, AJ, the court grappled with a significant case concerning the financial distress and prospective business rescue of the respondent entity, Seriso 321 CC, a close corporation engaged in the bed and breakfast business. This case, delineated as case numbers 952/11 and 23929/11, was deliberated upon on the 20th of March 2012.

At the core of this dispute was an application lodged pursuant to Section 131(1) of the Companies Act 71 of 2008 ("the Act"), urging that the respondent be placed under supervision and initiate business rescue proceedings. Should this plea fail, the applicant requested the court to sustain the rule nisi formulated under case number 952/11, permitting the continuation of liquidation proceedings.

The respondent had encountered financial distress as a consequence of standing as surety for the debts accrued by another close corporation, Emithini Hardwood CC ("Hardwood"), which had been entrenched in the building and import sectors. Following the winding-up order against Hardwood, the Firstrand Bank, a principal creditor to which Hardwood was indebted, invoked the surety agreements to demand payment from the respondent, thereby instigating a perilous financial situation for the respondent.

A salient issue that emanated from this situation was whether the respondent could be rescued through a business rescue plan that would not only facilitate the payment of all the creditors but also enable the continuation of its business operations. In the ensuing legal battle, Firstrand Bank opposed the initiation of business rescue proceedings, asserting that there was no reasonable prospect of rescuing the respondent and criticised the applicant for not presenting a viable business rescue plan before the court.

As the court set out to scrutinise the application, it was incumbent upon it to explore whether there existed a reasonable likelihood of rescuing the respondent, as envisaged in section 131(4) of the Act. This entailed a meticulous evaluation of the respondent's financial status, the pressures exerted by the creditor – Firstrand Bank, and the potential avenues that could be pursued to salvage the respondent, including the sale of its immovable property or securing additional finance.

Gangen, AJ, in his judgment, underscored the legislative intent behind the business rescue provisions introduced in the Companies Act of 2008, highlighting a preference for the rehabilitation of companies over their liquidation, aiming to avert the adverse socio-economic repercussions that generally accompany liquidations. Consequently, the court had to meticulously weigh the interests of various stakeholders, including the creditors and the respondent, while considering the reasonable prospects of rescuing the respondent through business rescue proceedings.

The court ultimately favoured the initiation of business rescue proceedings, contending that there existed a reasonable prospect for the respondent to be rescued, either through the sale of its property at a market-related price or by securing additional financing to continue its operations.

In reaching this determination, the court emphatically supported the broader objective of business rescue proceedings envisaged in the Act, encouraging the rehabilitation of financially distressed companies and averting the detrimental effects of immediate liquidation. The court further appointed Mr Graham Stavridis as the interim business rescue practitioner, steering the respondent into a phase of business rescue, a decision that not only suspended the liquidation proceedings but also potentially paved the way for the respondent's financial recovery and business continuity.


2.             Acts and Related Case Law References


Section 128(1)(b): This section provides definitions for various terms used within the context of business rescue proceedings, including defining 'business rescue' as proceedings to facilitate the rehabilitation of a company that is financially distressed by providing for its temporary supervision, a temporary moratorium on the rights of claimants against the company, and the development and implementation of a plan to rescue the company by restructuring its affairs in a manner that maximises the likelihood of the company continuing in existence on a solvent basis or securing a better return for the company's creditors or shareholders than would result from immediate liquidation.

Section 128(1)(f): This section defines what it means for a company to be "financially distressed." In the context of this case, it is acknowledged that the respondent is financially distressed according to this definition.

Section 131(1): This section allows for an affected person to apply to court for an order to place the company under business rescue. In this case, the application was brought under this section to initiate business rescue proceedings for the respondent.

Section 131(4): This section sets the criteria that the court must satisfy to order business rescue proceedings, which includes establishing that the company is financially distressed and that there is a reasonable prospect for rescuing the company.

Section 131(5): This section permits the court to appoint an interim business rescue practitioner, subject to ratification by the holders of a majority of the independent creditors' voting interests at the first meeting of creditors.

Section 131(6): This section stipulates that the launch of business rescue proceedings results in the suspension of any liquidation proceedings initiated against the company.

Section 138: This section outlines the qualifications and requirements to be satisfied by an individual to be appointed as a business rescue practitioner.

Section 147(1): This section mandates the business rescue practitioner to convene a first meeting of creditors within ten business days of being appointed to inform the creditors whether there is a reasonable prospect of rescuing the company.

Section 7(k): This section elucidates the purpose of the Act, emphasising the provision for the efficient rescue and recovery of financially distressed companies in a manner that balances the rights and interests of all relevant stakeholders.

Case Law

Koen & another v Wedgewood Village Golf & Others, WCC Case no 24850/11: This case was cited to reflect on the detrimental socio-economic consequences of liquidations and to underscore the legislative intent behind the introduction of business rescue proceedings as a remedy to avoid such consequences where reasonably possible.

Southern Palace Investments 265 (Pty) Ltd v Midnight Storm Investments 386 Ltd (Registrar of Banks & another intervening), WCC Case no 15155/2011 (25 November 2011): This case was referred to discard the argument presented by Firstrand Bank regarding the relevance of the process for judicial management in the context of business rescue proceedings.

Cape Point Vineyards (Pty) Ltd v Pinnacle Point Group Ltd 2011 (5) SA 600 (WCC): This case was cited to emphasise the legislative preference for the restoration of viable companies rather than their liquidation, as reflected in the business rescue provisions of the 2008 Act.


3.             The Facts


In the legal matter scrutinised by the Western Cape High Court, Cape Town on 20 March 2012, presided over by Gangen, AJ, the applicant, Martin Melt Van Niekerk, brought a case against the respondent, Seriso 321 CC, and the intervening party, Firstrand Bank Ltd. The case revolved around the financial distress faced by Seriso 321 CC and centred on determining the feasibility and justifiability of initiating business rescue proceedings for the respondent, as delineated in case numbers 952/11 and 23929/11.


The respondent, Seriso 321 CC, is a close corporation that owns immovable property in Knysna, South Africa, from where a bed and breakfast business operates. This business, established approximately three years before the case was heard, pays a monthly rental to the respondent, which is utilised to finance the mortgage bond registered over the property. The business is managed by the applicant and his spouse.

Financial Distress

The respondent found itself in financial distress due to its role as a surety for the debts of another close corporation, Emithini Hardwood CC ("Hardwood"), involved in the building and import industries. The final winding-up order against Hardwood was given on 5 July 2011, leaving it indebted to Firstrand Bank to the tune of R873,146.11, with a further interest accumulation at a rate of 15% per annum from 1 December 2011 until the payment date. Consequently, Firstrand Bank invoked the provisions of two surety agreements to demand payment from the respondent. Unable to meet this financial obligation through its regular revenue streams, the respondent delved into financial distress.

Initiation of Liquidation Proceedings

In response to the respondent's failure to settle the debt arising from the suretyship, Firstrand Bank initiated liquidation proceedings. This action culminated in the granting of a provisional liquidation order against the respondent by Judge Zondi on 31 October 2011, under case number 952/2011.

Business Rescue Proceedings Application

During the deliberation on the return date of the rule nisi, the applicant brought forth an application to subject the respondent to business rescue proceedings, as per section 131(6) of the Act, effectively suspending the liquidation proceedings. The applicant posited that initiating business rescue proceedings and implementing a business plan could salvage the respondent's business, ensuring the full repayment of all creditors over time.

Firstrand Bank's Intervention

As the respondent's main creditor with a substantial claim, Firstrand Bank intervened in the matter, opposing the initiation of business rescue proceedings. The bank argued that there was no reasonable prospect of rescuing the respondent, criticising the lack of a "workable business rescue plan" and maintaining that it was neither just nor equitable to commence business rescue proceedings for financial reasons.

Potential Solutions

Despite the bank's objections, the applicant presented two potential solutions: selling the property and the business at a market-related price, thus enabling the respondent to settle all its debts, or securing additional financing to allow the respondent to continue its business operations. In this regard, the applicant noted an ongoing negotiation regarding the sale of the property and the business for R12 million, contingent on the potential buyer's application for residency.


4.             Themes


Applicant's Arguments

Initiation of Business Rescue Proceedings

The pivotal axis of the applicant's argument revolves around the initiation of business rescue proceedings pursuant to Section 131(1) of the Companies Act of 2008, a mechanism designed to facilitate the rehabilitation of financially distressed companies. The applicant, Martin Melt Van Niekerk, postulated that subjecting the respondent, Seriso 321 CC, to such proceedings would not only pave the way for its recovery but also satisfy the debts owed to all creditors in due course, thus presenting a win-win scenario for all stakeholders involved.

Suspension of Liquidation Proceedings

Central to the applicant's plea was the invocation of Section 131(6) of the Act, which envisages the suspension of liquidation proceedings upon the introduction of an application for business rescue. By leveraging this provision, the applicant sought to carve out a space for the respondent to rehabilitate under supervised mechanisms delineated in the Act, effectively stalling the liquidation process initiated by Firstrand Bank. This stance highlighted the applicant's firm belief in the potential of business rescue proceedings to turn around the respondent's financial fortunes, thereby safeguarding the interests of both the creditors and the respondent.

Prospective Business Plan

While articulating the argument for business rescue, the applicant outlined a prospective business plan grounded in two primary strategies: securing additional financing or proceeding with the sale of the respondent's property at a market-related price. The applicant highlighted an ongoing negotiation potentially culminating in a sale amounting to R12 million, thereby illustrating a tangible pathway to financial recovery, albeit dependent on the prospective buyer meeting certain residency requirements.

Benefits to Creditors

An essential facet of the applicant's argument was anchored in the benefits accruing to the creditors through the business rescue proceedings. By emphasising the potential for full repayment to all creditors, the applicant illustrated a scenario wherein the creditors, including Firstrand Bank, would not be left at a disadvantage. Furthermore, the applicant contended that the business rescue plan could potentially facilitate a better return for the creditors compared to the immediate liquidation of the company.

Economic and Social Considerations

Beyond the financial ramifications, the applicant subtly brought to fore the broader economic and social implications associated with the liquidation process. By highlighting the adverse socio-economic consequences that typically ensue from liquidations, the applicant endeavoured to build a case rooted in the broader public interest, advocating for a solution that avoided the truncation of the business and the potential loss of livelihoods associated with it.

Readiness to Increase Rental Payments

In a bid to underscore the viability of the business rescue plan, the applicant showcased a willingness to augment the monthly rental payment from R30,000 to R40,000, a move designed to enhance the respondent's revenue stream and bolster its financial footing to service a new loan. This increment, according to the applicant, would be substantiated by the bed and breakfast business's financial health, thereby offering a sustainable solution to navigate the financial distress engulfing the respondent.


Respondent's Argument


Absence of Respondent's Direct Arguments

In analysing the judgment, it is pertinent to note that the respondent, Seriso 321 CC, does not explicitly present individual arguments in the case. The applicant, representing the interests of the respondent, essentially guides the trajectory of the arguments presented to court, aiming to prevent the liquidation of the respondent and instead institute business rescue proceedings.

Financial Distress and the Role of Hardwood

While the respondent does not actively articulate arguments, the underlying circumstances leading to its financial distress form a significant part of the case narrative. The respondent had found itself embroiled in financial difficulties following its role as a surety for the debts of another close corporation, Hardwood. The respondent's financial entanglements with Hardwood, which had been wound up, consequently dragged it into a precarious financial position, with escalating debts and ensuing pressure from Firstrand Bank, the primary creditor.

Dependence on the Bed and Breakfast Business

The respondent's financial dynamics are closely tied to the bed and breakfast business operating on its property. This business, overseen by the applicant, serves as a vital revenue stream for the respondent, contributing to the servicing of the mortgage bond held against the property. The viability and continued operation of this business, therefore, emerge as an underlying premise in the respondent's stance, as portrayed through the applicant's arguments.

Property Value as a Financial Cushion

Although not actively contended by the respondent, the valuation of its property forms a crucial element in the case. The property, acknowledged to have a market value of at least R5.5 million, stands as a substantial asset against the existing bond of R2,502,597.60. This valuation implicitly builds a case for the respondent's potential to navigate its financial distress, either through the sale of the property at a market-related price or by leveraging it to secure additional financing, thereby offering a lifeline to continue its business operations.

Business Rescue as a Preferential Alternative

Even though the respondent does not express direct arguments, the undercurrent of the presented case strongly leans towards business rescue proceedings as a preferential alternative to liquidation. The business rescue pathway, as advocated by the applicant on behalf of the respondent, is seen as a mechanism offering a reasonable prospect for rehabilitating the respondent while ensuring a better return for the creditors compared to an immediate liquidation.


5.             The Question of Law


Central Legal Question

The central legal question in this case pivots around the applicability and propriety of initiating business rescue proceedings as per the Companies Act 71 of 2008 ("the Act") for Seriso 321 CC, which found itself in a financially distressed state. The question necessitated a deep exploration into the provisions of the Act, alongside the consideration of the broader socio-economic implications attached to business rescue proceedings as opposed to liquidation.

Business Rescue under Companies Act

At the heart of this legal discourse stands Section 131 of the Act, which delineates the criteria and circumstances under which a company can be placed under supervision to commence business rescue proceedings. The section articulates that a court may order such proceedings if it is satisfied that the company is financially distressed, and there is a reasonable prospect of rescuing the company. Hence, the court had to scrutinise whether Seriso 321 CC met these stipulated conditions, grounding its analysis in the financial health and future prospects of the company.

Defining 'Business Rescue'

The legal deliberation involved dissecting the definition of 'business rescue' as outlined in Section 128(1)(b) of the Act. This section sets the legal framework for business rescue, defining it as a procedure aimed at facilitating the rehabilitation of a company in financial distress through a series of structured processes, including temporary supervision of the company and the development of a rescue plan. The court had to interpret this definition in light of the respondent's circumstances to assess whether business rescue proceedings were warranted.

Precedents on Business Rescue

The court relied heavily on precedent cases to interpret the Act's provisions on business rescue. A notable reference was the case of 'Koen & another v Wedgewood Village Golf & Others', where the court had previously emphasised that business rescue proceedings should ideally avert the adverse socio-economic repercussions that often accompany liquidations, serving the public interest by salvaging businesses in distress or securing better returns for creditors. This precedent guided the court in understanding the broader canvas on which the business rescue legislation was crafted, offering an interpretative lens rooted in economic pragmatism and societal welfare.

Comparative Analysis with Liquidation

A significant portion of the legal analysis involved a comparative examination of business rescue proceedings against liquidation, with the court probing whether the former offered a more beneficial outcome for all stakeholders involved, as compared to immediate liquidation. The court sought to maintain a delicate balance between adhering to the legal provisions and safeguarding the interests of the creditors and other stakeholders.

The Role of Business Rescue Practitioner

Another legal facet explored was the appointment and role of a business rescue practitioner as governed by Sections 138 and 147 of the Act. The court had to satisfy itself regarding the qualifications and abilities of the nominated business rescue practitioner, who would oversee the respondent's rehabilitation process. This involved interpreting the statutory guidelines laid down for such appointments, focusing on ensuring the practitioner's alignment with the requirements stipulated in the Act.


6.             The Reasoning Employed by the Court


Application of Statutory Provisions

The court embarked on its deliberative journey by meticulously unpacking the statutory provisions enshrined in the Companies Act 71 of 2008, particularly focusing on sections detailing the business rescue mechanisms. The court's approach was fundamentally rooted in a careful application of these legislative provisions to the circumstances at hand, ensuring a strict adherence to the legally defined pathways for initiating business rescue proceedings.

Analysis of Financial Distress

A substantial part of the court's analysis was dedicated to examining the respondent's state of financial distress. It applied the criteria from Section 128 and Section 131 of the Act to scrutinise the financial health and prospects of the respondent, thereby establishing a concrete groundwork based on the respondent's financial status. The court assessed the respondent's financial obligations and liabilities, including the commitments arising due to its role as a surety for Hardwood's debts.

Engagement with Precedent Jurisprudence

In navigating the legal question at hand, the court consciously engaged with precedent jurisprudence, drawing from previous judgments to flesh out a nuanced understanding of business rescue proceedings. The court turned to cases such as 'Koen & another v Wedgewood Village Golf & Others' and 'Cape Point Vineyards (Pty) Ltd v Pinnacle Point Group Ltd' to contextualise the legislative intent behind the business rescue provisions in the Act. This jurisprudential engagement allowed the court to weave in broader socio-economic considerations, thereby avoiding a myopic legal interpretation.

Economic and Socio-Economic Considerations

The court exhibited a discerning awareness of the broader economic and socio-economic repercussions attached to the case, steering clear of a purely legalistic approach. It delved into the socio-economic fabric, considering the implications of liquidation on the bed and breakfast business, which primarily catered to international guests. By doing so, the court fostered a jurisprudence rooted not just in legal provisions but also in economic realism and societal welfare, showcasing a judicious application of law in the economic fabric of society.

Realistic Assessment of Business Rescue Plans

The court undertook a realistic assessment of the business rescue plans proposed by the applicant. It delved into the nuances of the potential sale of the respondent's property, critically evaluating the economic viability and the prospective benefits accruing to all stakeholders, including the creditors. The court also weighed the potential of securing additional financing to service the respondent's debts, thereby illustrating a grounded approach in assessing the feasibility of the business rescue plans.

Consideration of Creditors' Interests

A prominent feature of the court's reasoning was the meticulous consideration of the creditors' interests, especially the primary creditor, Firstrand Bank. The court navigated the complex terrain of balancing the interests of the respondent and the creditors, ultimately leaning towards a solution that envisioned a win-win scenario for all parties involved, predicated on the potential success of the business rescue proceedings.

Appointment of Business Rescue Practitioner

The court's final analytical step involved considering the appointment of the business rescue practitioner. It applied the provisions of Sections 138 and 147 of the Act, ensuring that the appointed practitioner met the statutory requirements, thereby laying a robust foundation for the respondent's business rescue process.


7.             The Outcome


Outcome Overview

In concluding the matter, the court ruled in favour of initiating business rescue proceedings for Seriso 321 CC, pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Act 71 of 2008. This verdict was anchored in the belief that the respondent had a reasonable prospect of rehabilitation, thus avoiding the dire ramifications of immediate liquidation.

Implications for the Respondent

The court's decision bore significant implications for the respondent, Seriso 321 CC. It effectively offered the respondent a lifeline, providing it with a structured mechanism to work towards financial stability and solvency. The business rescue proceedings envisaged a temporary supervision of the respondent's operations and a moratorium on claims against it, creating a conducive environment for its recovery. This decision arguably steered the respondent away from the brink of collapse, providing it with a structured pathway to potentially salvage its business operations and financial health.

Ramifications for the Applicant

For the applicant, Martin Melt Van Niekerk, who was also intricately involved in the operations of the bed and breakfast business situated on the respondent's property, the outcome of the judgment was favourable. It meant that the business had the potential to continue operations under the aegis of a business rescue practitioner, without the looming threat of liquidation, which would have invariably resulted in the cessation of the business operations. This outcome essentially protected the applicant's vested interests in the business, offering a glimpse of stability and continuity.

Impact on the Primary Creditor - Firstrand Bank

While Firstrand Bank, the primary creditor, expressed reservations against the initiation of business rescue proceedings, advocating for the continuation of the liquidation process, the court's decision envisaged a pathway where the bank could potentially secure a better return on its claims. Despite its initial resistance, the bank found itself in a position where it had to navigate the landscape of business rescue, which promised a structured resolution process, albeit with an element of uncertainty.

Broader Legal Landscape and Precedent Setting

On the broader legal canvas, the judgment reinforced the legislative intent behind the introduction of business rescue provisions in the Companies Act. It underscored the court's willingness to explore avenues beyond liquidation, thereby nurturing a legal culture that prioritises rehabilitation over termination. This approach could potentially influence future cases, encouraging a jurisprudential trend that leans towards business rescue as a viable option, thus fostering a more rehabilitative and restorative approach in the corporate legal landscape.

Socio-Economic Considerations

From a socio-economic perspective, the judgment echoed the importance of sustaining businesses, particularly given the respondent's role in the tourism sector, a critical component of South Africa's economy. The court's decision reflected an awareness of the broader socio-economic tapestry, illustrating a judicious approach that transcends mere legalistic interpretations to encompass wider economic and societal considerations.


8.             Moral of the Story


Rehabilitation Over Termination

One of the salient moral underpinnings of the judgment is the preference for rehabilitation over termination. The court's endorsement of business rescue proceedings underscores a humane approach to corporate distress, favouring recovery and rehabilitation over the more draconian measure of liquidation. This leans towards an ethic of restoration, promoting the idea that entities should be given a chance to amend and recover from financial distress rather than being summarily terminated.

Economic Pragmatism

The judgment mirrors a judicial philosophy rooted in economic pragmatism. The court's approach exhibits an understanding that nurturing businesses back to health not only serves the interests of the proprietors but also nourishes the economic ecosystem by preserving jobs and sustaining commercial activity. This evokes a moral takeaway of economic stewardship, where courts act as custodians of economic vitality by fostering environments where businesses can recover and thrive.

Justice and Fairness

In negotiating the complex terrain of various stakeholders' interests, the court emerges as a beacon of justice and fairness. By choosing a path that potentially promises a win-win outcome for all parties involved, the court embodies the moral principles of justice and fairness, steering towards a solution that endeavours to uphold the interests of both the debtor and the creditors.

Societal Welfare

The court's decision to favour business rescue proceedings can be seen as a reflection of a broader commitment to societal welfare. By taking into consideration the potential adverse socio-economic repercussions of liquidation, the court displayed an awareness of the interconnectedness of business entities and society. This translates to a moral message promoting judicial decisions that are sensitive to the broader societal fabric, encapsulating a vision of law as a tool for societal wellbeing.

Responsible Corporate Governance

Implicit in the court's ruling is an emphasis on responsible corporate governance. The appointment of a business rescue practitioner under stringent statutory requirements underscores the court's endorsement of proficient and responsible governance in steering corporate entities out of distress. This delineates a moral contour advocating for responsibility and proficiency in corporate stewardship, promoting a culture of competence and accountability in business governance.

Respect for Legislative Intent

Lastly, the court's meticulous adherence to the provisions of the Companies Act manifests a respect for legislative intent. It reflects a judiciary that operates within the boundaries set by the legislature, thus respecting the separation of powers and upholding the rule of law. This embodies the moral principle of institutional respect and harmony, vital in fostering a society governed by rules and structured legal principles.


9.             What Questions Remain Unanswered?


Feasibility of Business Rescue Plans

While the court endorsed the initiation of business rescue proceedings based on the potential viability of the plans presented, it did not delve deeply into the substantiative assessment of the feasibility of these plans. The details regarding the potential sale of the property and the prospect of securing additional financing remained largely unscrutinised, leaving a gap in understanding the practical viability of these plans. Future rulings may need to offer more robust guidance on the depth of scrutiny required for assessing the feasibility of business rescue plans.

The Role of Creditors in Business Rescue Proceedings

Although the judgment touched upon the role of creditors, especially Firstrand Bank, in the business rescue proceedings, it did not fully flesh out the detailed dynamics of creditor involvement in these proceedings. The decision leaves unanswered questions regarding the extent of influence and participation creditors can have in shaping the business rescue plan, necessitating further judicial clarification in subsequent rulings.

Outcomes for Secondary Creditors

The judgment remained focused on the primary creditor, Firstrand Bank, leaving the implications for secondary creditors somewhat in the shadows. The concerns and interests of other creditors, including those with less significant financial stakes in the respondent's financial health, were not deeply explored, leaving a potential gap in understanding the broader ramifications of business rescue proceedings on the entire creditor landscape.

Defining a 'Reasonable Prospect' for Rescuing a Company

The court relied on the notion of a 'reasonable prospect' for rescuing the company as a basis for initiating business rescue proceedings. However, the judgment does not provide a detailed exposition of what constitutes a 'reasonable prospect,' leaving this term open to interpretation and potentially paving the way for diverse interpretations in future rulings.

Standards for Appointing Business Rescue Practitioners

While the court appointed an interim business rescue practitioner as per the statutory provisions, the judgment did not delve into the detailed criteria or standards that guide the appointment of such practitioners. Future rulings might benefit from a more detailed exploration of the expectations and qualifications necessary for individuals assuming this critical role, ensuring a high standard of expertise and competence in managing business rescue proceedings.

Long-Term Viability of the Rescued Entity

The judgment focused on the immediate pathway to rescue the distressed entity but did not venture into discussions regarding the long-term viability and sustainability of the respondent post-rescue. This leaves a lingering question about the future trajectory of the respondent and the measures necessary to ensure its sustained economic health in the long run.



#11 Grounding the 'Pie in the Sky': The Interplay of Reasonable Prospects and Viability in Business Rescue


#9 Transitioning From Liquidation To Business Rescue: An Interpretive Analysis